Ready for a different type of book club? Try a Reader's Circle. What have you been reading lately?
Reading Group Guides has guides, of course, but also lots of good suggestions for groups.
Need help getting a group started? "Running Book Discussion Groups" is available through ILL from MSL. This book, written by a librarian, covers choosing books, finding members and all the little details to make your club successful.
Bookstores frequently have book club resources available, including author interviews, discussion questions:
YouTube - why not add a video of an author talk to promote a book club pick?
Here's Elizabeth Gilbert talking about her book "Eat, Pray Love" at Google.
Google gets a lot of notable authors and celebritites and posts videos of their talks on YouTube. Check out all of their postings AtGoogleTalks. It's easy to embed the videos on your book club web page or blog and may help spark interest in this month's selection.
Book trailers are another potential promotional tool. Here's a book trailer for Jodi Picoult's "Nineteen Minutes:"
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