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Montana Book Club Central

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Saved by Lauren
on March 1, 2016 at 2:11:20 pm

Professional Reading Suggestions from Offline Keynote Speaker Dr. Michael Stephens

Check them out at a library near you!

+-+781319213_140.gif    It's Complicated: the social lives of networked teens    by Dana Boyd


+-+461831041_140.gif  Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking   by Susan Cain


+-+112088119_140.gif  Cognitive Surplus: creativity and generosity in a connected age   by Clay Shirky


  The Social Life of Information   by John Seeley Brown & Paul Duguid


  Biblio Tech: Why libraries matter more than ever in the age of Google   by John G. Palfrey


 The Virtual Self: how our digital lives are altering the world around us   by Nora Young


















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