Book Club Discussion Kits Thanks for contributing to the Montana Book Club Central Wiki! Here's how to enter information about your library's book club kits so we can share our kits with one another, providing our patrons with a wide selection of titles for their book clubs - and saving $$$ for our libraries so we can buy new and different kits to share.
1. Log in: Use the link to login at upper right. You need to have a pbwiki account (it's easy to register and doesn't require any personally identifiable information.) You must also request access to the wiki in order to get permission to become an author - use the small link at the bottom of the the wiki pages that says: "contact the owner." When the wiki administrator grants you permission, you're ready to add your information to the list. Click on the tab to EDIT the page.
2. Add a row to the table: You will enter information about your book kit by author's last name in alphabetical order. Put your cursor in a cell of the row adjacent to where you want to add your row. Click the Table menu on the tool bar, select "row" and then click "insert row above" or "insert row below". A blank row will appear.
3. Enter your book kit information: author, title, library Name and/or Phone, number of copies.
4. If you want to create an e-mail link, select your library name, then click "Add Link", then click "Browse Pages & Files". In the left column select "email address" and enter the e-mail address you want to use for book kit requests. Click "Inset Link" and your link will be ready to go as soon as you save your edit.
5. You can also provide links to author and title information if desired.
6. Save your edit: click the "save" button at the bottom of the edit screen.
7. Maintain your entries: If any of your book kit or contact information changes, please make sure the changes appear on this wiki page. If any of your book kits get weeded from your library collection, please delete them from this list on the wiki.
For more information on how to use this pbwiki, check out the pbwiki help (linked at top right) and keep an eye open for online training opportunities.
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